Parthenocissus Quinquefolia 'Virginia Creeper'
Quality Plants Online

Parthenocissus Quinquefolia 'Virginia Creeper'

Regular price $12.00

Parthenocissus Quinquefolia 'Virginia Creeper'  is a tough, deciduous climber with bright green foliage turning brillant red in Autumn.  The flowers are small and greenish, produced in inconspicuous clusters in late Spring, and mature into small hard purplish-black berries.  Great for exposed or ugly wall, since it is a self-clinging climber, not needing support and able to grow quite high if required.  It requires very well drained soils and is not tolerant of waterlogging or wet feet.  Prefers full sun or part shade.  Water after planting until established.  Light prune to shape if required.  Frost tolerant.

Image provided is an indication only.  Stock displayed on the website may vary due to availability and seasonality. Other pot sizes may be available upon request.

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