Magnolia Magnolia 'Little Gem'
Quality Plants Online

Magnolia Magnolia 'Little Gem'

Regular price $40.00

Magnolia Grandiflora 'Little Gem' is superbly handsome, compact evergreen feature plant.  Producing large creamy white, perfumed flowers in Spring and Summer.  This smaller growing Magnolia flowers at a very young age and has shiny green leaves with velvet copper toned undersides.  Grows in any well drained garden soil.  Full sun to partial shade.  Low water use once established.  Frost tolerant.  Mulch to keep the roots cool and moist.  Prune and fertilise in Spring.

Full maturity - Height: 3.5m / Width: 2.5m

Image provided is an indication only.  Stock displayed on the website may vary due to availability and seasonality. Other pot sizes may be available upon request.

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