Hedera Canariensis 'Ivy'
Quality Plants Online

Hedera Canariensis 'Ivy'

Regular price $12.50

Hedera Canariensis is an evergreen, woody stemmed trailing, self-clinging or climbing plant with attractive foliage.  Groundcover or climber for difficult sites.  Train over topiary frames.  Indoors or outdoors in pots and hanging baskets.  Suited to most soils.  Green-leaved varieties are more tolerant of heavier shade and frost than variegated ones  Prune and train as required.  Take precautions to prevent garden specimens from escaping into the wild.  Frost tolerant.

Caution: may be harmful if eaten, may cause skin and eye irritation.

Image provided is an indication only.  Stock displayed on the website may vary due to availability and seasonality. Other pot sizes may be available upon request.

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